Pitter Huesgen
Prof. Dr. rer. nat., team leader |
Heide Alexander
Administration and secretary
Administration and secretary
Frauke Bartels-Burgahn
Technician. Cell culture, molecular biology and ordering |
Friedel Drepper
Dr. rer. nat., team leader mass spectrometry |
Bettina Knapp
Dipl. Ing. Mass spectrometry engineer, keeping our instruments alive and productive. |
Katharina Saum
M.Sc., Proteomics technician. Member of SFB1381 Dynamic Organization of Cellular Protein Machineries |
Miguel Cosenza Contreras
Dr. rer. nat., Postdoc Bioinformatics support and development in the SFB1381 - Dynamic Organization of Cellular Protein Machineries |
Markus Kramer
Dr. rer. nat., Postdoc Project: Optogenetics meets proteomics |
Henrique Baeta
M.Sc., Ph.D. candidate Cellular responses to mechanical stress. Member of FOR2743 Mechanical Stress Protection. |
Paula Dewes
M.Sc., PhD candidate
Improving degradomics for cell death research as part of the SFB1403 Cell Death and Immunity.
M.Sc., PhD candidate
Improving degradomics for cell death research as part of the SFB1403 Cell Death and Immunity.
Melissa Mantz
M.Sc., Ph.D. candidate Proteolysis in plant regulated cell death. Member of SFB1403 Cell Death and Immunity. |
Raja Tamilselvan
M.tech., PhD candidate
Resolving proteolytic processing in podocytes in collaboration with Nephrolab Cologne
M.tech., PhD candidate
Resolving proteolytic processing in podocytes in collaboration with Nephrolab Cologne
Alexandros Zografakis
M.Sc., project worker
Collaboration with BASF in the framework of the JONAS network
M.Sc., project worker
Collaboration with BASF in the framework of the JONAS network
Maya Dierig
B.Sc., Masters student
Stretch-induced autophagy in mammalian cells. Member of FOR2743 Mechanical Stress Protection.
B.Sc., Masters student
Stretch-induced autophagy in mammalian cells. Member of FOR2743 Mechanical Stress Protection.
Fabian Stockert
B.Sc., M.Sc. candidate
N-terminomics of mitochochondria and others.
B.Sc., M.Sc. candidate
N-terminomics of mitochochondria and others.
Nepomuk Börner
B.Sc. candidate.
Cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana.
B.Sc. candidate.
Cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Nicolas Oertel
B.Sc. candidate.
Readouts for optogenetic caspases.
B.Sc. candidate.
Readouts for optogenetic caspases.
Vincent Sielaff
B.Sc. candidate.
Readouts for optogenetic caspases
B.Sc. candidate.
Readouts for optogenetic caspases